Spaghetti Bolognese


This is a great easy meal to make in big quantities to last you days, maybe even longer if you freeze some of it too. It’s also a sure fire hit with flatmates if trying to get a quick fix group meal done.

This recipe should cover 4 servings, so feel free to do more or less depending on what you’re down for.

You will need:

  • A drop of oil
  • 500g beef mince (Quorn mince works well for a meat free option)
  • 1 onion, chopped (you can buy this chopped up already if you’re not yet confident with a knife)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and cut up
  • 1 red pepper, middle taken out and the rest cut up
  • 4 big mushrooms sliced (again, you can find these pre-sliced in supermarkets)
  • 1 tin of chopped tomatoes
  • Grated cheese to serve
  • 100g of spaghetti per portion, but it’s best to do this on the day you’re eating it for best results.

The steps:

  1. Get a little splash of oil in a big frying pan or a wok.
  2. Add your mince and cook until brown. For Quorn, about 5 minutes should do. If you get a lot of fat in the pan then tip it away carefully.
  3. Add the onion and the garlic and stir it all together.
  4. Throw in the pepper and mushrooms and cook for a couple of minutes
  5. Pour the tomatoes in and leave on a low heat to come together.
  6. Get some boiling water in a decent sized saucepan and add a pinch of salt.
  7. Put your spaghetti in the boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes.
  8. Drain the spaghetti and plate up with a serving of the bolognese sauce. Sprinkle the cheese on top.

If you feel like taking it up a notch, throw in some paprika, worcestershire sauce, maybe some mixed herbs to make it that little bit more fancy. If you’re making this to freeze, leave it to cool COMPLETELY before freezing it and it should last in a freezer proof container for a couple of months.

Words by Simon Whitlock